You May Be a Best Seller

Submitted by:
Shelley Cotten

The first Human Library orientation was held at the Swan River Northwest Regional Library on Saturday, November 19th.

There were six Human Books in attendance.

They learned more about the project, what to expect at the event and spent some time getting to know one another.

Would you like more information? We still need books to sign up.

At the event, the “books” will be stationed throughout the library and “readers” will “check them out” for a few minutes and listen to their story. There will be some time for questions and discussion thereafter. The Human Library idea started in Denmark in 2000 and has been held in 27 countries to date.

This is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbor, sit and chat and, MOST OF ALL, HAVE FUN!

Everyone has a story – what’s yours? Do you have a passion, a hobby, an interest, a career that you LOVE to talk about? Come on down – YOU MAY BE A BEST SELLER but you won’t know until you are available for checkout!

Contact the Swan River Northwest Regional Library at 734-3880 for more information.