RM of Minitonas Minutes – October 12, 2011

Regular Meeting of the members of Council of the Rural Municipality of Minitonas, held in Council Chambers, in Minitonas, Manitoba this 12th day of October, 2011 A.D. at 8:00 am.

Present: Reeve McIntosh,
Councillors: Pacamaniuk, Klekta, Eisner & Rinsdorf
C.A.O.: Carolyn Gordon

10:00 am Ken Cook, MB Infrastructure & Trans. re: PR Rd Maintenance Contract
11:00 am Bob Davies re: Reimer Hill Road Plans

Additions to the Agenda:
4.4.1 2010 Flood Site Repairs – Reimer Hill Site

1. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.

2. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 14th, 2011 shall be adopted as circulated.

3. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Bank Reconciliation for the month ending August 31st, 2011 and the Financial Statement for the period ending September 30, 2011 shall be adopted as presented.

4. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby authorize payment of the List of Accounts numbered 6346 to 6430 inclusive, amounting to $332,426.64.

5. C. Eisner – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby approve the 2011 Operating Budget for the Swan Valley Emergency Measures District as attached hereto.

6. C. Eisner – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas accepts the 2009 Audited Financial Statement for the Rural Municipality as prepared by BMP Chartered Accountants;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT an ad be placed in the local paper to advertise the availability of said audit report for public scrutiny.

7. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
WHEREAS the new Public Sector Accounting Board regulations have resulted in a significant change to the financial reporting and audit procedures;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby approve the additional billing costs as submitted by BMP Chartered Accountants, and shall make payment of the surplus costs as part of their 2011 operating expenses.

8. D. Klekta – W. Pacamaniuk
RESOLVED THAT Kasey Chartrand shall be authorized to attend the CMMA Tutorials in Brandon as attached hereto;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all applicable expenses shall be paid by the municipality in accordance with the current RM of Minitonas Policies and By-Laws.

9. E. Rinsdorf – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT the Council of the RM of Minitonas does hereby approve the attached request for vacation time as submitted.

10. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
WHEREAS the office equipment purchase was included in the 2011 Operating Budget for the RM of Minitonas;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the attached quote shall be accepted by the RM of Minitonas Council.

11. W. Pacamaniuk – C. Eisner
RESOLVED THAT we do hereby agree to transfer back $100,000.00 borrowed from the Grain Bearing Road Reserve, and the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Transfers as attached hereto.

12. W. Pacamaniuk – D. Klekta
RESOLVED THAT the council of the RM of Minitonas designates the date of November 12, 2011 as the Lenswood Community Event known as the “Harvest Wind-Up Dance”.

13. W. Pacamaniuk – E. Rinsdorf
RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 1:00 pm to meet again for the next regular meeting of council on November 9th, 2011 AD.