Manitoba Agriculture Crop Report – July 25, 2011

Crop Report Prepared by: Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre July 25, 2011 |

Northwest Region
Rain and thunderstorms were general through the Northwest Region towards the end of last week.
Precipitation amounts ranged from 16 to 70 mm with local reports up to 100 mm and light hail in the Roblin area. Highest rain amounts centered through Roblin, Grandview and Fork River; continuing north eastward into the Westlake area.

Crops in all areas of the region benefited from the rain. High winds have lodged some of the more advanced crop stands. Through the Swan River and Roblin areas, canola is 70 to 90% podded with 5 to 10% into seed development. Cereals are 10 to 15% into dough stage.

From Grandview to Lake Manitoba, canola staging is variable in staging and stand uniformity but advancing to 50% pod stage. Early in the week hot temperatures caused some concern for heat blast on flowering canola. Wheat is heading, flowering and 40% is into early seed development stages.

Variable germination and development of greenfeed acres seeded late into dry soils has improved with the recent rain. Winter wheat is maturing and buckwheat is advanced into blooming stages. Although somewhat variable, silage corn growth has rapidly improved with the heat and recent rains.

Bertha armyworm trap counts are at moderate risk through the Durban area with San Clara counts increasing more than other areas which remain at low levels. Overall disease levels in all areas continues to be lower than average.

First cut haying operations are more than 80% complete under dry conditions. The rain has delayed remaining harvest; some forage had been cut and weathering is reducing quality. Overall yields and quality are average or better. Second growth forages and pastures are benefiting from the timely moisture. Production potentials remain poor for much of the flood impacted low lying or poorly drained native forage and pasture lands adjacent to Lake’s Manitoba, Winnipegosis and Dauphin.